Brownies Uniform
Brownie Guide Dolls
100th Anniversary of the Brownies
On Saturday 11th January 2013, Manx National Heritage will open ‘The BIG Brownie Birthday Display’, a new temporary display at the House of Manannan to mark the 100th anniversary of the Brownies.
Curated by the Brownies, the special display will showcase the history of Brownies on the Isle of Man and will feature memorabilia including uniforms and badges from the Girl Guiding collections, together with old and new photographs of the organisation throughout the years. Brownies arriving in uniform will be eligible to receive a history badge from reception when they depart, which is one in a series of badges to be collected for participation in other events during the centenary celebrations.
Suzanne Williams, Heritage Site Manager at the House of Manannan said:
“We are excited to be working with the members of Girl Guiding IOM on this project. Everyone who has been a member of the Brownies will no doubt enjoy a chance to reminisce about the fun they had in their groups and the friends they made along the way. I know I will!”
Emma Huxham, Brownie Leader & Display Organiser said:
"Girl Guiding IOM is delighted to be working with Manx National Heritage and is grateful for their expertise and advice in the presentation of the pop up display. We are certain that it will bring back lots of happy memories for many!"
Entry to The BIG Brownie Birthday Display is FREE for ACE cardholders, which includes all the Island’s Brownies and Girl Guides kindly supported by Lloyds Bank. Girl Guides can also use their membership cards to receive free entry. Normal admission applies for all other visitors.
The Big Brownie Birthday display is on show until Friday 2 May 2014 at the House of Manannan, open daily 10am - 5pm.
For further information about the display at the House of Manannan, please contact:,
Suzanne Williams - Heritage Site Manager
Address: Manx National Heritage, House of Manannan, Mill Road, Peel. Isle of Man. IM5 1TA
Tel: 01624 648091
Email: suzanne.williams@gov.im