Your Personal Details Please complete the following details to enable us to get in touch with you. Title Mr Ms Mrs Miss Name Address Post code Phone number Your email Do you want this membership to be a gift? Gift Details Please provide the name of the person who you want to gift this membership to. If you want the membership card and/or renewal notice to be sent to the gift recipient, please click the appropriate option below and provide their address in the Recipient Address field. Recipient name Deliver this gift membership to me to recipient (please ensure you provide their address, email and phone number in the Member/Recipient Details section below) Deliver renewal notices to me to recipient (please ensure you provide their address, email and phone number in the Member/Recipient Details section below) Gift recipient address Member/Recipient Details For every member you want to add, complete the fields below and select the type of membership option. Member 1 Are you a new member? New Member Existing Member Title Mr Ms Mrs Miss First name Surname Date of birth e.g. 26/03/2025 Membership Type --------- Adult 1 Year Membership - £45.00 Additional Adult 1 Year Membership - £35.00 Child Under 5 1 Year Membership - £0 Child Under 18 1 Year Membership - £6 Adult 10 Year Membership - £425 Additional Adult 10 Year Membership - £275 Lifetime Membership - £1250 Use my personal details as contact details for this membership card (if this membership is a gift, please ensure you provide the recipient's contact details if they are going to receive the card and renewal notices directly). Member/recipient address Member/recipient post code Member/recipient phone number Member/recipient email Add another member Total Amount: £0 Cancel